Following the National Main Street Center’s Four Point Approach, Opelika Main Street offers a variety of programs.
Downtown Resource Center
Located at 108 S. 8th Street, the Downtown Resource Center will hosts Opelika Main Street’s retail incubator, the Opelika Main Street office, multipurpose meeting space and public restrooms.
Bill Roberts Facade Enhancement Program
In partnership with the City of Opelika, Opelika Main Street provides a limited number of matching grants for downtown exterior facade improvements. Downtown businesses and property owners can apply for up to $7000. Contact the Main Street office for full rules and an application.
Signature Events
Events help drive foot traffic into the downtown area. Opelika Main Street hosts the following annual events: On Tap: A Craft Beer Event, Touch A Truck, On the Tracks, Holiday Open House, Small Business Saturday and Christmas In A Railroad Town.
Industry On Track Sculpture Art Exhibit
Opelika Main Street manages the ongoing Industry On Track Sculpture Art Exhibit downtown. The exhibit features four works from three nationally acclaimed artists. Sculptures are displayed in outdoor public spaces throughout downtown.
Opelika Main Street helps to commission murals downtown as a way to enhance the look and feel of our district.
Small Business Assistance Programs
Opelika Main Street helps assist new and existing small businesses in downtown through professional development programs. Additionally, small businesses can schedule FREE consultations with Auburn University’s Small Business Development Center in our Downtown Resource Center!
Marketing Assistance
With one of the largest social media followings in the area, Opelika Main Street works actively to promote our downtown businesses. In addition to social media, Main Street also sends out our weekly email newsletter to over 1000 subscribers, advertises in local media and promotes downtown news through press releases and press interviews .
Historic Preservation
One of the largest historic districts in the state, Downtown Opelika is listed on the National Registrar of Historic Places. Opelika Main Street promotes historic preservation through design and educational programs.
Helpful Supplies
Opelika Main Street maintains a supply closet with folding chairs, tables, table clothes, signage, hand sanitizer stations, traffic cones, stanchions and more! Supplies are available on a first-come-first-serve basis for downtown member businesses.
Long Range Planning
Opelika Main Street regularly partners with various organizations on long term and strategic planning for Downtown Opelika. Past partners include Main Street Alabama, Opportunity Alabama, Envision Opelika Foundation, Auburn University and the City of Opelika.
Public Space Enhancements
Opelika Main Street partners with local organizations to beautify public spaces in Downtown Opelika. Past projects include the construction of Courthouse Square, way finding signs, installing cafe lights, planting trees and re-painting benches.
Downtown Planters
In partnership with the City of Opelika, Opelika Main Street maintains over 30 planters throughout downtown. Eligible businesses can also apply to be a part of our downtown planter program.